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This Week in Weather

The other day on the radio, the dj started the weather report with, “this forcrap is brought to... ⠀⠀ This forcast...” ⠀⠀ The weather was...


There are some avalanches that you cannot outrun. Imagine- One of your favorite excursions as a dinner party, then all of the sudden, You...


Today it was grey...real grey. Which didn’t come as much of a surprise, most days around the PNW are. It feels as if everyone who...

New Lease on Life

My new lease on life led me to an AM-PM gas station where I bathed myself in the bathroom sink with appearance and enthusiasm similar to...

Warm welcomes from HSU.

My First Surfing expedition as a student at Humboldt State University. 5:45 am, we shuffle out of our Humboldt State University dorm...

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